“We live in a four-bedroom home,” dad Brandon Janous explains on Instagram. “And this is us. Every night and every morning. This is us.” Although there are more than enough bedrooms in his house, Brandon likes to have his children come into his room and sleep on the floor. He snapped a picture of the children sleeping on the floor, all wrapped in blankets, along with his reason for allowing them to do so despite how they all have their own rooms inside the busy single dad’s Knoxville, Tennessee house.

Brandon’s three children are two daughters, Hadley Mae and Cooper Grace, and a son, Macklin Lawrence. He has been sharing updates from his family on social media after losing his beloved wife Rachel about two years ago. Things have not been the same since, but Brandon is doing the best he can to give his three children the best life possible – even if mom is gone.

“I used to fight it,” he wrote. “I used to tell them that this wasn’t healthy. I’d tell them that they’d get better rest in their own beds. To give it a chance. That their beds are more comfortable than my floor, it never worked. No matter what I said.”

However, Brandon understands how important family is and does not want to miss an opportunity to connect with his three children – even if the experts think it is “unhealthy” for him to allow his children to sleep in his room.

“Two Februaries ago, I spent each night on the floor next to Rachel’s hospital bed. People tried to tell me to go home. To get some rest. To give it a chance. That my bed would be more comfortable than the floor, it never worked. No matter what they said. It took me almost two years, but I get it now. No one was going to convince me to leave her side. No matter what anyone said, by her side was where I was going to be. There was no place where I felt more safe than on the floor, right next to her.”

Brandon concludes, “I don’t fight it anymore. It’s been almost two years since they lost their mommy. In that time, it’s become pretty clear that by my side is where they are going to be. And that to them, no place feels more safe than on the floor, right next to me.”

What an incredible way to keep his wife’s memory alive while also giving his children the stability and comfort they need during such a difficult time. No matter what anyone says, this dad knows what is best for his family. And we think he is doing an amazing job! Share this heartwarming story with your friends and family to spread the love!

What do you think of Brandon’s decision to have his children sleep in his room? Do you think more single parents should follow his lead?