A mother from Australia took a trip away from home. Everything was delightful while she was away, but when she returned back home, she discovered something that made her stomach turn. While looking closely at her coffee machine, she noticed something that rubbed her the wrong way. Apparently, the family forgot to empty the coffee machine drip basket before the trip, and when they came back, they were met with a disgusting surprise that no one should have to deal with – now mom is issuing a warning to all people who use drip coffee makers to brew their morning joe at home.

The Australian woman returned home to find her drip coffee machine infested – absolutely infested – with squirming and squiggling maggots. Although she cleaned the machine as soon as she realized what was wrong with it, she was unable to get rid of all the maggots because they were housed in the nooks and crannies of her coffee maker, which was absolutely disgusting for the family.

An infestation of maggots can be dangerous. If they get too close to a person, they can cause serious health problems like salmonella, E. coli, Myiasis, and intestine and mouth issues. Maggots are larvae of winged critters, most commonly houseflies.

The mother from Down Under shared a photo of her disgusting coffee maker on a Facebook group frequented by other moms. In the post, she wrote: “This is proper gross.” The popular cleaning group on Facebook drew a lot of attention to the coffee maker post, and people were eager to share their points of view on the maggot infestation in the Sydney, Australia home.

Mom added, “We didn’t empty the coffee machine drip tray before going away for four days. Upon return, there were maggots in the water.”

The mother confessed that she did the best job possible to clean the drip coffee maker. However, she was unable to get rid of all the maggots because some of them were living in hard-to-reach places that were difficult for her to clean.

“I emptied the drip tray, and it’s in the dishwasher, but I can see a maggot (and I’m sure there’s more) in parts I can’t get to,” she said.

The Aussie mom wanted to get feedback from people in the Facebook group and learn what she could do to get rid of the maggot infestation in her coffee maker.

She pleaded, “What can I do? I’m so grossed out. It’s not a cheap machine, so I don’t want to chuck it.”

It was a surprise how people reacted. Some people suggested that the mom should not do anything. Instead, they said that the maggots would eventually grow up and turn into houseflies and then could be swatted out of the air.

“As gross as it is, wait for them to turn into flies, and they’ll crawl out,” one woman said.

“I wouldn’t worry, to be honest. Flush some hot water through before drinking it, but the maggots would only be in and around the dirty water tray. In a day or two, any larvae you haven’t found yet will have either died or grown into flies anyway,” another wrote.

What do you think about this maggot infestation?