Some people have an addiction to be controversial. Tomi Lahren is not one of those people. Yet, the Fox News contributor has had a long history of rubbing people the wrong way and doing things that others find questionable. That’s why she has come under fire for posting a picture of herself in a Halloween costume that many considered far too “controversial” for a television personality and Fox News contributor.

In the image, Lahren demonstrates her love for conservative values by posing in a Make America Great Again swimsuit. The attractive news reporter wore the navy-blue swimsuit along with an American flag draped over her slim body. She also had a flag-striped fanny pack. She hoped that her costume would show just how much she wants to make America great again and her patriotic love for the country.

While the Halloween costume image was racy, Lahren captioned the photo with words that got people’s blood boiling.

“Oh, LA, get ready to find your safe spaces! What am I? Well, if you’re a conservative, I’m American AF. If you’re a lib, I’m ‘offensive.’ Let’s go.”

Although Lahren was making a divisive statement, she failed to see the irony in her views. For example, Tomi Lahren famously criticized Obamacare while reaping the benefits the plan afforded her. Lahren managed to stay on her parents’ insurance for a lot longer than she ever would have been allowed to before Obamacare went into effect. She benefited from it personally, yet still found grounds to try to repeal it.

She also questioned the NFL players’ right to protest during a discussion on Fox and Friends.

“I would like to ask these players, ‘What exactly are you kneeling for, and why have you chosen the flag and the anthem to do it?… I would like to ask those same players, ‘What would it take to get you to stand and respect the anthem?’”

Although Lahren has openly criticized people for not “respecting” the flag, her Halloween costume actually broke the law – not that anyone would prosecute her for it. But her flag costume violated the United States Flag Code 36 USC. 176, which states: “The flag should never be used as wearing apparel, bedding, or drapery.” But she used it for two out of the three. That doesn’t look good for a self-proclaimed patriot.

In response to her Halloween costume, one person wrote: “Not against US Code: Kneeling during the National Anthem. Is against US Code: Wearing the flag as clothing. Way to go Tomi Lahren.

That’s when Keith Olbermann jumped in to criticize Lahren for her controversial costume.

“Patriotic? Bullsh*t. She’s in violation of the US Flag Code: ‘The flag should never be used as wearing apparel.’”

The president’s son jumped in to defend Lahren when he saw Olbermann had responded to the image.

Although it looks patriotic to wear the flag, it is against the United States Flag Code. Therefore, people should be careful when they think about wearing the flag as it is not patriotic, according to the Code.

What do you think about her costume?